Saturday, October 1, 2011

VIZ613 Idea & Concept

My idea is based on a Chinese myth about a clam and crane. The scene is set at the seaside.
The clam is resting on the beach and enjoying the sunbath while a flying crane spotted it because of the shininess of the pearl in the clam.
The crane flew down and tried to snatch the pearl and both of them got into a fight.
The crane finally bite the clam's 'tongue' but the clam immediately closed its mouth so both of them got stuck together because neither party is willing to let go.
A fisherman came by and saw the struggling 'couple'. Without any hardship the fisherman caught them into a bag and went home happily.
The moral behind the story is that we should not merely look at the benefit of the short terms which probably going to led us into a bigger trouble later on.

Here are some quick sketches of the story:

I hope to present the crane as a fast-paced character, some movements to resemble a jet. The clam, on contrary, is a solid and rigid character.

Fisherman is going to be as simple as possible. Background needed to be simple too.

After presented this story to Austin, I am glad that he gave me a green light since this is the story that I wanted to do and with possibilities for me to explore some of the technical and aesthetic aspects.

Here are another 2 back-up plans.

Ant & Dove with a little twist ending.

Pandora's box. Focus will be on the Pandora's character performances.

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