Sunday, October 2, 2011

VIZ643 Lighting

The project is to construct one high-key lighting and one low-key lighting by using the same 3D background and exact camera angle.

The main idea is to about a young boy watching a movie in the cinema. By using the high-key and low-key lighting, it is to illustrate the different emotion the young boy experience, perhaps with different movie genre. The camera angle is set below the eye of the boy so that the expression for the face will not interfere with the lighting setting for each picture. The mouth is open wide but did not indicate any mood which is ideal for the purpose of this project. Depth of field is adopted so that the focal point can maintain at the boy and red cup. The red cup is one important hint that the boy is in the cinema rather than other places. I am really happy with the outcome and also the fact that I discovered a lot of aspect and details while constructing these pictures.

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