Sunday, October 23, 2011

VIZ643 editing

In this assignment, we will need to take minimum 2 existing trailers and edit it to a new story or genre.
I came up with 3 ideas:
1. A trouble graduate student ( The amazing spider-man + social network)
2. A newly wedded couple got separated and their own journey (eat pray love + 127 hours)
3. 2 top teams got into a war (Expandable + R.E.D)

Initially, I had stronger feeling for Expandable + R.E.D, because of the two movies are very close genre and having all the characters to fight each other will definitely adrenaline thrilled. At the same time, I really want to give myself a challenge to edit eat-pray-love + 127 hours because I seldom deal with romance/ drama story and the fact that I can change the originally small cast of James Franco in eat-pray-love into more prominent figure using editing skill, is very tempting.
So, I actually started working on these two choice simultaneously. However,  I started to get more ideas and more attached to eat-pray-love + 127 hours. I like how I can tweak and link the two characters into a single story, yet somewhat related to the original one. I also faced some limitation in the range of footage that I can choose because I am concern and picky about the footage screen size and quality. So, I had to use an interview with James Franco as supplement to my editing footage. Funny thing is, the interview was actually conducted in a very pleasant atmosphere, however there were several time that James Franco had few expressions that looked annoyed which were perfect for me to use. I also did some color correction and resizing so the trailer composition is contributing to the story. Again, having the raw footage in highest possible quality helped a lot in providing those options. Adjustment of audio, including sound effects and music definitely help in enforcing the theme again.

So, here is the final editing version:

Original eat pray love trailer:

Original 127 hours trailer:

Original James Franco interview:

I also include here, the work in progress of the expandable + R.E.D.

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