Sunday, October 9, 2011

VIZ643 Compositing

We decided to do a compositing scene in Harry Porter.
It was a scene where Harry and friends were in the secret chamber.
In the original scene, there weren't any one around them (at least not visually).
So we decided to composite a mystique figure within the scene.|
Here is the outcome:

The challenge for 1st composite scene was to determine the scale and angle of the figure in green screen.
Beside that, we need to consider the lighting direction to match with the original scene. I also suggested a little hand gesture while holding the wand, since the hand had the highest point of lighting value in the scene.
Second scene was more challenging and interesting because it involved camera movement. To tackle this, we set the camera on the studio's rack. To play on the safe side, we shot this scene with slower timing and longer distance, so we have more allowance to choose the best frames.

Beside the visual compositing, the audio is part of the requirement too. I had a lot of fun in playing and mixing the sounds. We got most of the sounds from the Hollywood Sound Effects CD in vizlab and also from I tried the left-right panning for the swishing cloth sound, turned out not bad. The most fun I had was with the footsteps. I actually reversed the waveform because the original footsteps is a regular walk, where the heel is the first point of contact to the floor. I wanted the sound more cautious and heavy, where the toes touched the floor, slowly followed by the entire foot. I quite pleased with what was achieved here. I used both audacity and soundbooth for the audio editing.

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