Sunday, October 2, 2011

VIZ643 Motion Tracking idea pitching

Idea 1.
This idea is continue from previous Mater compositing project. It is about a 3D character running away from noises caused by a nearby construction site. The character is representing students and I like to portray the character is living inside the wall/ building as to symbolize the tight relationship between student and academic building here.

Character open up a door and running from the wall towards camera.
Construction noises from off screen.

Character leap from the edge and camera follow him, tilting up.

Cut away shot, showing the character jumping high in slow motion with effect trails.

Shot continue, character landed on the other side of wall and running forward.

Character jump into the wall and found out he is actually in the mid air of the inner wall and fell into the trash bin.

Mock-up concept board

Idea 2.

The idea is to show a pair of shoe is walking in everyday like. I found the design of Vibram FiveFingers very interesting and came up with this idea. We will need to wrap the actor's leg in green material and it will be a challenge for us to over come. Effects to be included for visual enhancement.

Idea 3.

This is based on one of scene in Black Swan. I want to incorporate an additional character in the foreground to amplified the dissatisfaction of the director of Natalie Portman's dance performance. The director's figure is small and mostly idle in the original movie scene.

The main challenge will be on the second shot. There is reflection of the additional character in the mirror and the mirror has edges that will display distortion of the reflection. There will be rotoscoping involve because we will need to mask the character when he walking pass the dancing couple.

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