Saturday, October 1, 2011

VIZ613 Storyboard

EXT. Day Seaside
A clam is resting on the beach and enjoying sunbath.
EXT. Day Seaside
A crane flying by and spotted the clam because of the shininess of the pearl in the clam.
EXT. Day Seaside
The crane flew down and tried to snatch the pearl and both of them got into a fight.
EXT. Day Seaside
The crane bite the clam's tongue but the clam immediately close its mouth. Both of them stuck together because neither party is willing to let go.
EXT. Day Seaside
A fisherman came by and saw the struggling couple.
EXT. Sunset Seaside
The fisherman caught both the crane and clam into a bag and went home happily.

Initial sketches:


Color script

Mood study:

Project Objective:

To have the opportunities to explore various scopes in 3D animation production, from pre-production-post.
Technical challenges:
Stretchy IK
Animate wings
Animate bivalves character (no hand & no leg)

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